What is dual language immersion?

Dual language immersion provides a way to learn academic content while acquiring another language at the same time. Students receive math, science, and social studies instruction in a target language, such as Spanish, Chinese, French, German or Portuguese. The teaching strategies used support students in learning the concepts and skills for the subject area and develop the ability to read, write, speak, and listen in another target language.
The goals are for the students to reach high levels of target language proficiency and develop cultural competency while attaining academic achievement that is at or above their grade level.

Who can participate?

The dual language immersion program seeks to enroll students of varying backgrounds and all ability levels. All students are capable of acquiring another language. Applications are open to all students entering first grade (or kindergarten depending on the school and district).

How do I apply for a dual language immersion program?

Individual schools and districts enroll students in dual language immersion according to their own policies and procedures. Please see the list of participating schools for contact information.

Is dual language immersion a gifted/high ability program?

Dual language immersion is a general education program, not a gifted or high ability program. Research has shown that the dual language immersion program is an effective educational option for children from diverse backgrounds and all ability levels.

How is instructional time distributed between English and the target language?

The student’s daily instruction will be divided half in English and half in the target language. Please see instructional time pie charts

How will parents help with homework in the target language?

Only tasks that the student could complete independently will be assigned as homework in the target language. This is best practice for all homework assignments regardless of the language. Parents are still encouraged to read daily in English to their student.

Can siblings be in the program?

Individual schools and districts enroll students in dual language immersion according to their own policies and procedures. Please see the list of participating schools for contact information.

Can parents/guardians volunteer in a dual language immersion classroom?

Parents/guardians will be encouraged to volunteer in the classroom and familiarize themselves with the target language. However, only the target language is spoken in the classroom.

Will my student be expected to participate in the dual language immersion program through high school?

In order to fully benefit from the dual language immersion program, we expect that students will commit to the program through high school. See the Instructional Model for Secondary Sequencing.

Why are Spanish, Chinese, French, German, and Portuguese the Dual Language Immersion target languages?

Utah political and educational stakeholders identified French, Chinese, Spanish, German, and Portuguese as the languages critical to Utah’s future economic development.

How can I become a dual language immersion teacher?

Please see the flow chart on Teacher Credentials.